Walter Schels - Life Before Death

Passou na Mãe d'Água em 2006. Para recordar.
Vidas preenchidas, avanços na medicina e o undo dos softwares, afastaram de nós a ideia de morte. Este afastamento retirou-nos a reflexão sobre a vida. E sobre a morte. A mim faz-me falta.

Nothing teaches us more about life than death itself

"German photographer Walter Schels was terrified of death, but felt compelled to take these extraordinary series of portraits of people before and on the day they died. His partner Beate Lakotta recorded the poignant and revealing interviews with the subjects in their final days. The couple tell Joanna Moorhead how facing death changed how they felt about dying - and living"

O artigo de Joanna Moorhead para o The Guardian pode ser lido aqui

Para ver todas as imagens e saber muito mais, aqui

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